Good day dear reader. I trust you are enjoying the magic of this new season and taking notes from nature. She is always teaching us, as long as we slow down enough to notice. Everything has a cycle and a season in the cosmos and on earth. This includes our bodies and our lives. Sometimes it is helpful to zoom in and sometimes it is helpful to zoom out. Is our perspective so vast that it does not relate to our now moment? Is our perspective so myopically focused that we are forgetting the bigger picture? Either way we can zoom in or zoom out in order to balance our perspective.
We are form and formless all at once. We are 10% physical, 10% metaphysical and 80% source - which means we are more formless than physical. We are much more than we are aware of at any given moment. What is the current aperture of our mind? Are we allowing for enough light to come into the mind so that we have a clear picture, or are we in a contracted state of mind , lacking in light (information) and therefore not seeing a clear picture?
There is so much going on, on our planet right now that it is impossible to keep up. Poles are shifting , light (information) is pouring in from the heavens (see definition of aurora below). There are people on many platforms , each sharing their perspective of what is going on. The media is finally admitting that UFOs are real, banks are collapsing, natural disasters continue world-wide. New viruses are appearing and on and on.
We are in what is called the Post-Atlantean Epoch ( the 5th of 7 epochs) . The Tibetans and East Indians say we are in the Kali Yuga. We are moving out of the age of Pisces and into the age of Aquarius - though some say most of us will not see it in our lifetime (dates vary widely). My point is, the Earth and humanity are going through great changes right now. Things can feel wonky, unstable and upside down.
The only place we can truly ever feel stable is inside our self (and often in nature - which is our self). The outside world will never provide us with the stability we seek. It is how we interact with the world, based on our own feelings, emotions, perceptions and perspectives that determines how our life goes. There is enough information out there to connect the dots now. We are quantum-biophysiological beings who are affected by and who affect our environment as well. Your life is a conversation between yourself and a quantum energetic field with many levels, layers and dimensions.
You may consider how the events in your life create body chemistry and either zaps or feeds your energy. This will depend on: the state of your central nervous system, the memories stored in your body and the overall state of your mind, body and spirit. Memories can get triggered and inform your body chemistry, until the charge is taken off. You carry the memories of your ancestors as well. Much information in the form of beliefs, fears, desires, etc are stored in your subconscious.
If you could see at any given moment: your energy levels, your frequency, your levels of dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, oxytocin, melatonin, etc.; you would notice it fluctuates from moment to moment based on what you just ate, what thoughts you are having, your emotions, your reactions to the stimulus in your environment , etc. You and I and everyone else, are all interacting with the illusions of our perceptions and the biochemistry our body generates based on how our body and mind perceive our experience.
This is why so many people are focused on enlightenment ( literally to light up - light is information). The vehicle of a human body allows us the opportunity to experience the true nature of reality without being at the affect illusion. Those who have attained this ability are referred to as enlightened. These humans have the ability to defy space and time, the ability to bilocate, to make things appear out of thin air, and all sort of other mind bending abilities. However, these are merely byproducts and not the driving intention. If we really knew about the mechanics of our body and how to use them to change our reality would we?
Many have, and many are, but we are easily distracted - me included. I feel like my life has been one distraction after another with spiritual pursuits thrown into the mix throughout. Yet, life IS the spiritual pursuit. We all donned this thing called a body so we could experience life in a human body in a physical realm. What a time we chose to be born in. We are in the throws of the collapse of society and the birth of a new earth and humanity.
I hope some of this makes sense. Does it? Do you see or feel any of what is being shared here? What I want to share, is that throughout my life and especially these past three years, I have been deeply investigating what is going on, both internally and externally. My summation at this point is that human beings, the world and the whole of the universe came into being through a sacred and intense longing. It was indeed imagination coupled with light ( information), energy, frequency and vibration ( sound) that made the world and cosmos we live in.
We went from infinite to finite. We came from a single non-dual expression of the all, into to an individuated expression (a fractal) of the all. In this little zone of the galaxy called Earth, humans have free will. Some beings misuse this will and that causes harm to the Earth and other humans as well as all lifeforms on earth. Now enough people are starting to notice that we do not wish to play within the hellish nightmare created by a few who have misused their will. They have attempted to trap us inside their illusion. They have taught us what to believe and not to believe. They have hoarded resources. They have lied to us about the true nature of our bodies. They have lied about our history and our roots. They have pillaged the Earth and killed the medicine people, the seers and the wisdom keepers.
And now, inside this collective dream, we are waking up from a stupor. We are realizing that we have been players in someone else’s dream, and that we can create our own dream - our own reality. We truly are creator beings, this is why we can procreate, because we are creator beings. But life is not all we can create, we can create realities, we do it all the time , yet have been unaware that we are doing it.
Those who have assumed power and control over humanity lack something. They lack their own power to create organically. They need someone else’s money, someone else’s fear (which they feed off - literally). They appear human, but they are soulless. They have separated from the organic lifewave. The are parasites and we are the host. At the moment, humanity is doing a huge parasite cleanse and there is a battle going on. It takes a lot to wake up from the stupor of the collective nightmare. One must become accountable for every facet of their reality and take full responsibility - for everything - not as fault, but as power. Instead of giving our power to blame or shame or guilt or fear , we give our power back to our self. We are reclaiming our power. We are learning to stay awake in the dream - like lucid dreaming.
We have on the one hand a great swell of materialism and on the other, a pop culture New Age school of thought which seems to almost completely deny physicality, preferring to adhere to a path of fluffy love and light - leaving the shadow and it’s gifts far behind. The former denies the spirit, while the latter seems to deny the power of physicality. It appears people of the latter school, wish to somehow escape the dark night of the soul and bypass the hero’s journey altogether while somehow magically arriving in a state of grace without deep self - exploration.
The science of entropy, theoretical materialism, is the greatest evil of our time because it deadens and kills the soul and spiritual nature of the human being, replacing them with fleeting theories that are not part of a comprehensive cosmology. There is no beating heart in the scientific model and the human being is not the primary consideration. Science breeds machines and materialism turns humans into automatons, cyborgs, and the nightmare of transhumanism. Materialism chooses machine intelligence over human intelligence. The cold, sterile lab table of the modern scientist is the altar of secular humanism – a religious belief limited by the five senses and scientific theories.
By droves people are parting with convention, outdated paradigms and dogmas, even outdated modes of being. Amidst the mayhem and chaos, we are settling into this new era, that any which way seems to be birthing itself . In tandem the living organism called Earth alongside humanity are bringing forth a new creation. By making peace with our past, and with the guidance of our ancestors, out higher self, our guides, guardians and angels, we are forging a new reality, a new realm - some call it New Earth.
It seems bloody and messy as we watch old systems crumbling before our eyes. Mothers sometimes come very close to death while giving birth. Maybe we are even realizing that death is a form of birth and birth also has components of death in it. Maybe the two are not so separate after all. Maybe you have experienced this in your own spiritual evolution. As pieces of the ego succumb and surrender to holistic integration, a sort of death happens as another level of your being awakens and is born to the light.
The human descends from spirit into matter ( the material plane) and eventually ascends from physical back to spirit (the immaterial plane) . The astrological symbol for earth is a cross inside a circle. The cross represents the merging of spirit (the vertical line) and matter (the horizontal line). We are spirit having a physical experience. Enlightened beings are enlightened because they have transcended the duality of spirit and matter and merged the two as one.
We do this all the time in many ways without even realizing it. It happens when we create, when our thoughts become reality, when we connect to something larger than ourselves, in moments of synchronicity, when we relax and let go and step fully into the stream of life - when we are in the flow. Right now, whether consciously or unconsciously, people are choosing whether to stay in a world that is crumbling, or whether to step into the stream of the new world that is here and arriving daily.
Parting with the old can be frightful because humans are not comfortable with the unknown and the unfamiliar. We like safety, security, comfort and predictable outcomes. Study hard and get an “A”. Go to work at nine, come home at five - get a paycheck every two weeks. Go to school for twelve years and graduate. Get married, have kids. Our world is formulaic.
We are born into a world, a culture, an era, a family - that dictates our life for us. Do this, learn that, go there, get this thing, believe this, think like that. No one ever told us why and many of us never question it. “ I take my pills because the doctor prescribed them” Yes but did you look up the side effects? “ No” Hmmm - interesting. People become racist because it was taught to them or Christian because they were born into it. You get what I am saying.
So now, as may are questioning all of it at once, many are clinging to these preassembled lives as the last bastion of safety in a world that is crumbling around them. It’s ironic, because people are eating out of hands that have been feeding them poison for generations; yet it is all they know and so they continue to eat, for fear of starvation. But it is not as bleak as all that - “if” you can accept that paths are diverging. We live in a world of polarity and duality.
To be a new human, you must accept that change is inevitable and you musn’t let the birth of the new, or the death of the old paralyze you with fear. Accept it as an invitation to engage your imagination, your heart and your inner vision to co-create this new world that is being born in every moment from here forward. How do you want to feel? What would you like to see? What are your dreams? In what ways are your ties to convention constricting you, stealing your life force, zapping your creativity and joy for life? What ancestral patterns are pulling you backward as you try to take steps forward ?
What do you need to part with in order to transform your deepest grief, your internal rage, your ongoing anger at the the injustice in your life? How can you transform, transcend and transmute these stories and emotions that they might feed you? How do you part with your past? How can you make sure that you are not building a new life and world with bricks from your old house? And - where the hell is your tribe?!!! Being human is a tall order and being human at this very juncture is a taller order still. But you know what else it is? It is an opportunity that no human who ever lived before, has ever had. We have never been where we are right now.
I certainly do not have it all figured out. Part of me is an open channel for spirit to write through and part of me is a cheerleader spurring you on ( myself included). I am championing the cause of the new human and this new earth. I believe every word I write, but it certainly does not mean I have mastered it. I am living in two worlds at once. One world is the world which has credit scores and debt and a need to figure it all out so I do not end up homeless. The other is a world that shows me what can not be seen with human eyes alone, that feeds my existence and grows me all the time.
I have not merged my human and spirit. I have one foot in the old world and another in the world I see being born. The reason I created this platform (which in time will grow beyond a simple blog and a YouTube channel ) is so that people who can see what I am talking about can find each other,. If you resonate with what I am saying, I have written this for you. Whoever you are, keep going. You are not crazy. It is merely that all you see can not be seen by everyone. No one is bad or right, or wrong, they simply are, you simply are. Follow your heart and keep going. Do not ever stop, and do not allow anyone to determine your reality for you.
You are dreaming a new world into reality and so are millions of people all over the planet. They have raped us, killed us, burned us, stolen our inventions, tried to squash our power, tried to make us look crazy, locked us away, buried us in mass graves, used us as pawns in their wars, kidnapped our children and worse. But we are here, we are alive, we are an unstoppable force of love! We are not looking back, we are looking forward. We leave our regrets, our vengeance, our hatred or anything that would impede our steps forward. We have no time for shame and guilt and blame. These are not the paint brushes and chisels that forge our new world.
We weave our visions with grace and determination, with grit and love, with beauty and harmony. We create alongside the forces of the elements, we are guided by an unstoppable power seeded in source energy. Our light is indistinguishable and we fear no darkness, for she too is the womb of creation from which all light springs forth . We are holy, we are whole, we are remembering.
Thank you Julie. Love your writings and yes your observations are in sink with mine. It’s uncomfortable at times to north into who we are in the unknown. And so it’s good to know I am with you and many others creating a new way in the field
A wonderful reminder Julie! Thank you. 🙏❤️