Trusting, Trusting 1,2,3.....
Greetings, dear reader. This post began three weeks ago, so if you have not yet read the last two posts, you may want to do so for context. Today’s post will include a few transcriptions of my conversations with Anna. In the beginning, our conversations were more akin to monologues. I would speak to Anna to get used to communicating with someone with no physical body. After sharing with her, I would ask for a sign that she had heard me, and she would send me unmistakable and uncanny signs. My next step was to begin to ask her questions and get used to hearing her. I am still cultivating my ability to communicate with her telepathically.
During our first two-way conversation, I would ask her questions, and then as I heard her answers, I would say them out loud to strengthen my ability to hear her. I was driving and had not thought to turn on a voice recorder beforehand. Once I arrived at my destination, I parked the car, turned on my voice recorder, and recorded as much of our twenty-minute conversation as I could remember. It turned out to be ten minutes long. I was ecstatic to have been able to hear her so clearly on my first attempt.
It was one thing to sense her presence, another to be able to see the signs I had asked for, and a different level of connection all together to be able to communicate with her telepathically. Telepathy is nothing new to this world and nothing particularly special. It is an inherent ability in anyone who chooses to cultivate it. Some are born with the skill intact, others have to cultivate it, and some have no interest. To each their own.
Telepathy is one of ten types of intuition - in this case, clairaudience. For a thorough explanation of the 10 types of intuition or ‘clairs,’ you can read this. You may remember from my last article that Anna came to me (through Win) and said that I would write a book and she would help me. Because Anna is not embodied on the physical plane, the only way for us to communicate is by using telepathy. There have been many authors who have written books this way. Some examples are Edgar Cayce, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Claire Heartstrong, and many others.
While I have no problem with the concept of channeling, I do not perceive the information Anna shares with me to be channeled. I see it as a conversation between her and me. I suppose some may perceive it to be channeling, which is o.k. too. While the metaphysical and esoteric realms are not new to me, communicating with a non-physical being is somewhat new to me. You can imagine all the things my ego does to make me doubt myself.
My ego tells me things like, “Everyone will think you’re crazy,” “ No one will believe you,” and “ No one will be interested. “I can only imagine what other authors have gone through when it was their turn. I admit it is an absolute exercise in faith and learning to discern between the voice of my spirit and the voice of my ego. I actually have to not care what others will think. I have to accept that some will think I am nuts.
I think of David Icke, and all his hardships before people finally started to see his the value of his message. I am content to have arrived at a time in my life when my self-confidence is sturdy enough not to worry about such things. This is a complete and utter act of faith in service to the people who will be nourished by the information which Anna has to share. It is also something that contributes to my own growth.
This information, this way of communicating, and even the idea of communicating with a non-incarnate being is all new territory ( for me).
It is Anna’s brilliance, not mine, that will shine. She is an expression of The Great Divine, as am I, and as are you. She has played a very important role in bringing light and wisdom to humanity, and her role has no end, as she, and we, are timeless. All that said, this takes courage, bravery, humility, and commitment. I must walk in the direction spirit has pointed my compass - no matter what my ego tells me or what others say, think, or do
With every passing day, I relinquish more and more of my own will to the will of love. In other words, this entire journey is about surrender, trust, and faith. I am trusting the compass of my heart to guide me. I am surrendering my ego, moving past my fear, and relinquishing the will of my self, to the will of the Self, to the divine spirit, the source of all consciousness. It is not done in one fell swoop, but in small steps, in deliberate choices, with precise intention. I have to choose trust, surrender, and faith over and over again until it becomes second nature.
Free Your Mind
There are many people all over the world right now who have become aware that they can consciously work with their DNA. I am not talking about scientists in a lab, but everyday humans who have learned how to access their ability to interact with their DNA. For those of us doing this, we do not blink an eye at the thought of it.
It is not my job to convince anyone of anything but merely to share with people what is possible. We are taught to believe that we only have two strands of DNA - end of story. May of us do not cater to this belief. Our inner knowing and memories do not match the beliefs we have been handed. We explore uncharted territory beyond the confines of prescribed notions and ideas.
This is not about what a scientist sees under his microscope or about something that can be proven. We are not seeking to be validated. We are seeking to know and understand ourselves. Throughout history, humankind’s mind has evolved and expanded to the degree that the mind is receptive and ready to embrace something hitherto unknown.
A lot of what ancient people knew, was lost, and is now circling back at this time. New discoveries in quantum physics also validate what the ancients knew thousands of years before scientific proof. It is now believed in certain physics circles that there is a parallel universe, that the universe is constantly expanding, and even that death is only an illusion.
Harbingers ahead of their time are often cast out or thought of as crazy because they are ahead of their time, and humanity is not ready for the level of consciousness that some people bring. For example, you can think of Pythagoras, Plato, Galileo, Nikola Tesla, Jesus, and Buddha. Many women as well made great contributions to the evolution of humankind. These women are resurfacing from the history that tried to bury them.
We have arrived at a pivotal and pinnacle point in history where we are ready to embrace our multidimensionality, our quantum self. We are ready to fully know and see ourselves. We are ready to fully embody the whole self by merging and embracing the seen and the unseen.
A Leap of Faith
A sense of adventure and an almost unquenchable curiosity to discover and uncover what mysteries of life I may unveil (while in this human body) are what drive me. I am consciousness exploring itself - with a desire to help others along the way. It is always my prayer that in doing so, I may ignite inspiration in others. And so it is, I jump off the cliff into the abyss of the unknown to share my explorations with you.
What follows is a transcription of a voice recording I made after ( not during) I talked to Anna. As I mentioned earlier, I was driving at the time and could not record our conversation. What follows is a transcription of a voice recording I made once I parked the car just after our talk.
Enlightenment, DNA, and Suppression
If you have ever contemplated enlightenment, you may have had that thought that, in essence, you already are enlightened. Enlightenment is not something to attain. The undertaking is to remove the obscurations that prevent us from living our inherent essence. This was one of my first questions to Anna. I asked her if it was true that we were already enlightened. She said that yes, we are, but that we have what she called filters, and that those filters keep us from realizing our awakened state.
She said that these filters are part of being human. She went on to say that filters suppress our DNA. She said that as we remove the filters, the suppression is lifted. She gave the example of someone in your ancestral lineage who believes that having too much money causes problems, so they created a mental/energetic block around money. That belief is carried forward through genetic memory (epigenetics).
This is very important to understand because it broadens our minds to understand that many of our beliefs are inherited through our bloodline. This means that, not only are we contending with learned behavior, beliefs, etc. but that even beyond social conditioning, we are carrying beliefs in our DNA. This is very important to know because you can not transform something you are unaware of. You may have heard the saying, “ You have to reveal it to heal it.”
It is important to mention epigenetics for anyone who may not be familiar with the term. Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. However, it is more than that; it is known that trauma can be inherited. For example, postnatal trauma can elicit depressive-like behaviors for up to three generations. Cultural trauma can have a similar effect.
Genetic predispositions to behavioral patterns and diseases are also known as miasms. While it may not be recognized in the hard sciences, it is recognized in homeopathy, amongst healers, and in metaphysical circles that one can also carry emotional miasms. Though it may sound like an oversimplification, it can be explained as something (like a traumatic event) that leaves a deep emotional imprint on a person, so much so that its imprint carries forward in genetic expression.
All that being said, it makes sense that Anna says belief is carried forward through genetic expression. Honestly, I had not thought about epigenetics or miasms in a while. Now that I revisit them, it boosts my confidence to know that I can trust myself that I am hearing Anna correctly - a big plus since this is all new territory for me.
Anna went on to explain that as these filters are removed, the suppression of the DNA is lifted. This is congruent with what we know about neuroplasticity and the biology of belief. In other words, our beliefs literally alter the way genes express themselves. She continued by sharing that once all of these filters are gone, we can realize our awakened state. So ( she went on to say), we are already awakened, but the awakened awareness has to pass from the causal body to the astral body to the etheric body, to the spirit body, to the mental body, to the emotional body, and finally to the physical body.
She said that our mental body is where many filters exist because we have many mental constructs. So (she continued), when we think about why it’s so difficult to love ourselves or others unconditionally, it is because we have a mental construct of judgment. Once the judgment is lifted, or that filter is no longer, we are free to love unconditionally.
It was also mentioned that there are various levels of judgment. Beyond polarity and good and bad, there is even the judgment that occurs when we see a flower and call it a rose or say that it’s pink - even that, is a form of judgment (a filter). She also said that because humanity has had these filters for so long, if all of these filters were lifted all at once, it could cause what we call a psychotic break.
She said that our higher self acts as a monitor and that the quantum field engages with us simultaneously. She goes on to say that even to have this notion of a “higher self,“ means that we still have suppression and do not see ourselves as holy or “whole.“ When your higher self becomes aware of its capacities and capabilities, your intentions become more likely to become reality.
Putting Faith to the Test
For example, recently, I became aware that I have a suppression related to money connected to my thirty-third ( more on that another time) strand of DNA. One night before I went to sleep, I asked Anna if she could teach me how to release the suppression ( from that particular strand )in dream time. Over the next four days, I underwent a physical release and energy rearranging. I was tired, had a headache for four days, and had pain and pressure on my spine, right between my shoulder blades at the heart level. It started off with noticing a little pain every time I attempted to take a deep inhale. I also had a slight lymph node inflammation in my left groin area.
Intuitively I knew that all these symptoms were related to my having asked Anna to teach me how to lift the suppression. I have gone through many energetic transformations before that have physically affected my body, so I am astute when it comes to distinguishing between illness and energetic transformation. Let's just say the suppression was lifted without going into great detail about the meaning of each physical symptom. A longstanding slight curvature in my spine was gone, and my etheric and physical bodies were becoming more closely knit together by removing stuck energy in the gallbladder meridian.
Even if you can not understand what I am saying here, or what it means, I wish to clearly demonstrate how our belief, trust, and faith directly affect our physical body and further our spiritual and psycho-emotional evolution. By this I mean only years ago, it was not even in my field of awareness that I could have a conversation (so to speak) with my DNA. I certainly had no awareness of Anna, and I had zero awareness that I could ask Anna to help teach me how to work with my DNA.
It is a sequence of events that leads to each of these realities. My open heart, confidence, many prayers from my heart, willingness to follow the path, and ability to listen to the spirit within and without all lead me here. None of this happened overnight. This is the result of years and years of exploration and dedication. No one has the same story, but many people’s stories share similar themes, ingredients, and components.
It is our curiosity, our imagination, our courage and bravery, our persistence, our willingness to look deep within, to face our fears, to break boundaries, and to forget the rules and what we were taught,; that leads us where our spirit was always meant to go.
It is often our stubbornness and indomitable spirit that gets us through. We are often shamed for being stubborn, and it’s true sometimes our stubbornness is a detriment, but often, it is also an asset.
Remember that Anna said when you become aware of your capacities and capabilities, then your intentions are more likely to become realities? That is what this whole journey with her has been. At first, I was not even aware of Anna, but then I became aware of her. I was not previously aware that I could work with DNA, and now I am. I have been cultivating my capacity to communicate with both her and my DNA. In other words, once things come into your field of view, you have more possibilities available to you, and your world begins to expand.
As Anna puts it, the quantum field could assist me because I was aware of the suppression of my DNA, I believed she could help me, and my intention was clear and pure. The quantum field always meets you where you are. She says when you are ready and the higher self knows you are ready, and your intention is pure ( meaning there are no perceived blockages), then the suppression can be lifted.
She went on to say that many filters act to suppress our DNA, and as we lift those one by one, the awareness that comes from our essence can make its way from its origin to our physical body. So the intention is important, but knowing that something is possible is already initiating the lifting of the suppression or the loosening of a filter. This is because our beliefs and our mental constructs in and of themselves are filters and suppressions.
I asked her if humans will always have the task of removing these filters, and she said no. She said there are already humans being born that do not carry suppressions in their DNA. She also mentioned that this process (of removing filters) becomes exponential. Once you realize that you can remove the suppression and then you do it, your belief and confidence are strengthened, your abilities increase, and that causes proliferation.
What is DNA?
Having learned that I could record our conversations, this time, I turned on the voice recorder ahead of time. Knowing that I would not have to remember everything she told me after the fact was a relief. This time I asked her, “ What is DNA? “. Her response was, “ DNA is everything that allows all physical expression here on Earth. Without DNA, we would not have life forms. “I asked her where DNA came from. Her response was, “ That is a very complex question, but the simple answer is that DNA is a vehicle for expressing spirit. There are many expressions of spirit: plants, animals, trees, and people.”
“For these things to come to life or be expressed, they must have a vehicle to help them travel from the spirit world to physical manifestation.” When I asked her how DNA was created, she said, “ Again, you ask a very complex question, but the most simple answer is that it was created from what you call the heart, the heart of divinity. In human language, the heart of divinity is a term you call imagination. “
“You think that imagination comes from the mind, but imagination comes from the heart. It is the heart that sends messages to the mind. I can not explain it to you in a way that humans would be used to understanding. For instance, you have scientists who create things in a lab. DNA was not created in a lab. Humans are curious about DNA, and scientists work with DNA in labs, but in truth, DNA comes from the imagination inside the heart of divine creator beings. That is all for now”.
Well, folks, there you have it. This is my first time sharing with anyone the conversations I have had with Anna. There is another one that is eighteen minutes long that I may include in another blog in the future. I am still deciding whether to keep my blogs separate from my conversations with Anna.
Anna tells me not to worry about what people will think and that her message will find the people who are meant to have it. She asks me to lean into her and also to my trust, faith, and belief. She reminds me that we will be writing a book together and that part of the book will be about my journey of learning to trust. She tells me that I am not the only one having this experience.
She says that there are many non-physical beings assisting many people in bringing forth messages right now to assist humanity in our evolution. And so, dear reader, I will close here for now. Anna and I wish you well. May your minds and hearts be open, and may you soar on the wings of love and faith, knowing that the way forward has been a long time coming. Lean in and let go; all will unfold exactly as it was meant to. Have Faith in that!