I am not sure how it may look on your side but I got a notification that you got 3 new subscribers from GAB base on my share of this article. I wanted you to know. Also, I love your divine timing as I have been going down an ancestral love/connection lately. I have a track that I like to listen to for this and a mediation. I love quite a bit in this article. I love the symbol break down and the image you chose. Purple is my favorite color. I also love the distinction you made between the 3rd eye and 3rd eye chakra information. We actually have about 8 to 10 pine cones in our house that my beloved found while foraging for mushrooms last year. I love the energy they bring in our space. I love your affirmation list. I plan on using them in my rituals to enhance my experiences. Sis, I thank you for you just being you. I thank you for your efforts, your diligence, your love, your compassion, your passions, your wisdom, your experiences and your vision. You are such a gift to us all. Much Gratitude to you and yours!

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Nathan! Wow! You are the gift that just keeps giving - you amaze me with your continual support, love, generosity and enthusiasm. I would love to have you and your beloved on as guests on my YouTube Channel sometime. Please ask your beloved if she would be interested and get back to me. Take care brother! : )

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That is what family is for sis and that is a wonderful idea, absolutely wonderful! It would be such an honor. I will talk to her and let you know. Sending you hugs and blessings!

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I talk to my beloved we loved the idea and I am going to send you our number privately so we can chat about the details...love you much sis...

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Yaaay! That is wonderful. I just saw this. I will check my email. I am away from home until Wednesday, but will check in after that. 🥰

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That sounds great sis, thanks for letting me know. Wishing you happy travels dear one!

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