Staying Human
Good day, dear reader. I hope this finds you well and that you are continuing to enjoy this beautiful autumn season. The topics covered in today's post are so broad that each of them deserves its own book, and indeed people have written many books on each one of these topics.
These are fascinating times we live in. You may have heard the saying, "Three things can not long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." Today, we will explore topics that, while controversial amongst media and federal institutions, are common knowledge to millions of people worldwide and have been for a very long time.
I do not pretend to have the ultimate answer as to why these things are so controversial and why there has been so much effort in keeping this knowledge hidden from the general public. However, I think there is much merit in contemplating why that is. While I do not think there is a cut-and-dry answer, I do know that those hiding the truth from another are usually vested in perpetuating a false narrative to maintain control. This applies to individuals and institutions alike.Â
The People Doth Protest
The first and most tempting thing to write about that comes to mind is Covid 19 and how the pandemic was handled.
Suffice it to say; if you are reading this, you are probably already aware of the multifaceted monster that this is.
I believe it was plain to see that the way the pandemic was handled caused far more deaths than were ever necessary. Many of us spent hundreds of hours pouring over research papers. We listened to immunologists, doctors, biologists, virologists, the vaccine injured, nurses, doctors, and our friends who became long haulers. Some of us lost friends and family members, and some of us got Covid ourselves. We searched everywhere we could, watched videos, and went to government websites. We watched science go from science to scientism; we watched mass hysteria and psychosis in our communities and on TV.
We saw protests all over the world. We saw horrors we can never unsee, which most still have not seen. For one reason or another, most people chose not to look at what was happening behind the scenes or to see what was happening in plain sight. People lost family and friends, not only to death but over beliefs and perceptions.Â
To this day, there seem to be two camps. It may be an oversimplification, but it seems some can't unknow what we know and those who do not want to know. I believe one of the biggest takeaways is to honor and respect each other. Just like the pilots now announce on the plane; "Some of you are wearing masks, and others are not; we ask that you please respect each other's decisions. " In the beginning, it was so easy for people to want others to see what they were seeing, and later that became an exhausting and impotent exercise.Â
Throughout history, governments, rulers, leaders, dictators, politicians, elites, and ruling classes have all had a vested interest in fabricating, disseminating, and maintaining a narrative to control others. It is nothing new under the sun and is also not new for people to see through the facade. Nevertheless, announce that the emperor wears no clothes, and you will be vilified, made to look crazy, outcasted from society, or in modern-day times, called a conspiracy theorist. Disturb the narrative, and you pose yourself as a threat to those propped up by false and illusory power and the masses who feel they somehow benefit from the narrative.
Internet - The Modern Day Akash?
So what is the difference now? The differences are many, and they are exhilarating to examine and contemplate. One of the most obvious benefits of modern times in relation to busting myths and false narratives is the internet. While the media did little to cover the worldwide protests during Covid 19, the internet was plastered with videos from countries all over the world showing people marching by the millions.
Thanks to the internet, we could also witness the definition of a vaccine changing literally overnight on the CDC, NIH, and WHO websites. This happened when they tried to get the vaccines approved at "warp speed" but ran into roadblocks in crossing the bridge from "emergency status "to fully approved. And thanks to Edward Snowden, we can go to and learn about many things that were purposefully hidden from public view. We were made to believe that these secrets were to keep us safe, yet the documents reveal otherwise. Secrets in "high" places are always about maintaining illusion to control the masses.
Naturally, the internet has its dark side as well, with things like The Dark Web, porn, a plethora of misinformation, and endless hours of distraction with social media websites. Including Egypt Spring, how many movements were initiated and mobilized via the power of the internet? The internet allows worldwide visibility, and the cell phone has also allowed people to document and share many atrocities previously hidden from public views, such as police brutality.
Long story short, the internet, for all its strengths and weaknesses, is without a doubt a tool that allows much to be revealed that was once hidden in the shadows. The internet is not dissimilar to the library of Alexandria or the Akashic records. The library of Alexandria was quite literally an Akashic library in physical form (which is why it was burned). The beauty of the ethereal Akash is that it can never be destroyed or corrupted.
The Organic Lifewave
In Theosophy and Anthroposophy, there is a term "organic life wave." It describes life's evolutionary 'wave' or current that flows through man and the cosmos. It is particularly important to understand when it comes to developmental time (planetary development and human evolution). If this concept is new to you, or if you wish to have a broader context and framework for the concept of life wave, I recommend reading the definition of a monad, life atom, and life atoms (plural), as well as a more broad definition of life wave. The definitions are in alphabetical order and can be found here.Â
Now more than ever, it is important for humanity to understand the aforementioned terms and concepts as well as to understand the processes of involution and evolution. Without these basic understandings, we are easily misled to believe that there is no ultimate consequence of any significance (spiritually or materially) in regards to genetic modification of plants, animals, and humans, all of which are happening today.Â
Beyond that, we can easily be led to believe that artificial intelligence and life-like robots, etc., are a great idea that will have no unintended or ill consequences for our planet or for humanity at large. I believe anyone aware of how irresponsible major institutions have been with our ecology and human bodies will find the advocacy for AI a hard pill to swallow, as the used car salesmen of robots and artificial intelligence pedal their wares.
When the mRNA gene therapy "vaccines "arrived on the scene, many people were concerned that these vaccines would somehow alter our DNA. We were told time and again that these vaccines would affect our DNA in no way, shape, or form, and this may or may not be true. In any case, we were also told that DDT was safe, that Roundup and genetically modified foods were safe, that smoking was safe, that fluoride was safe, that lead paint was safe, that asbestos was safe, and the list goes on.
We now have unprecedented evidence of the myriad ways the U.S. government has been sold to the highest bidder and is now more of a corporatocracy than a government. Though the U.S. has moved further from the agriculture sector and closer to the industry sector, what remains of the agriculture sector is a sad state of affairs. The five companies holding positions for the highest annual revenue in U.S. agriculture have horrid track records and outdated practices and continue destroying the soil and microbiome with the use of petrochemicals. Not to mention their petrochemicals have led to a sharp decline in the bee population, have continued to adversely affect the bird population, as well as animals and people in general and have polluted our air and water, and greatly harmed the ecology in general.
One of those five companies is called Seaboard Corporation. They are openly known to partake in promoting corporate welfare, land misappropriation, and animal cruelty. Unfortunately, these atrocious corporate practices seem to be the norm rather than the exception. Another company is not as involved in producing food as they are in selling petrochemical fertilizers. The largest crops in the U.S. are all GMO crops, such as corn, alfalfa, and soy. To add insult to injury, Bill Gates is now the largest farmland owner in the U.S.Â
Genetically modified foods were sold to the general public as the crops that were going to feed the world and solve the hunger problem. Monsanto (the originators of DDT) became known as the food mafia and played a large role in decimating our seed diversity, destroying the livelihood of many farmers, turning soil into burnt dirt unfit for agriculture, and leaving millions of people sick or dead from health problems related to their petrochemical herbicides. How many ads do you see today claiming that if you have lymphoma, you may be able to sue Monsanto? This is because thousands of farmers now have Non - Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Keep Food Real
So many institutions are jumping on the Green Revolution bandwagon to push their bad ideas for artificial food. They make empty pitches to the unknowing and unsuspecting by claiming to care about the environment. Yet all it takes is one paragraph to make your blood curdle. Maybe to the unsuspecting person, who knows next to nothing about food or agriculture, may be taken by such "innovation." Unfortunately, maybe that is a lot of the mainstream at this point, so companies like these are racing full speed ahead.
One such example is a company called CF Foods Group. The top of their website makes the following claim, "CF Foods Group is a leading innovator in Cellular Agriculture. We utilize cutting-edge technologies and global expertise, advancing scalable solutions for the development of alt-proteins. Founded by global Agribusiness experts, we are leading the way in securing the future of food and our planet ."
Cellular agriculture, alt–protein, and agribusiness; that's all you need to know to know that nothing they grow in their laboratories is anything you should ever put in your mouth. Their logo is a black and white unrecognizable geometrical shape, and it's about as sterile as it gets. When you click on the 'About' tab, you are led to a page with a picture of a man looking through a microscope and the following statement, "CF Foods Group is creating CPG products with Cell Cultivated proteins as foundation of products." ( grammatical error and all).Â
We now live in a world much like George Orwell described in his book 1984 ( now banned, by the way). We live in a world where science has been exchanged for scientism and is akin to religion. We are told not to question science and that if we do, we are science deniers and conspiracy theorists. Thousands of important doctors, nurses, virologists, immunologists, biologists, and scientists were excluded from the Covid conversation. Their jobs and lives were threatened if they were unwilling to stay silent and follow the narrative of Big Pharma, the WHO, the FDA, the NIH, and the CDC.
That alone was one of the first red flags for millions worldwide. There were red flags everywhere. One that especially garnered attention was Fauci's disregard for Ivermectin in the treatment of Covid. He got on national television and lied to the world, and people believed him. He told the people it was a horse dewormer (which is true) and failed to mention all the ways Ivermectin had safely been used amongst the human population for decades. Nor did he offer any information about doctors nationally and internationally who had saved thousands of lives using protocols other than the vaccine, including Ivermectin.
In India chief WHO scientist was sued by the Indian BARR association and threatened with the death penalty for lying about Ivermectin in order to further the agenda of special interests to maintain a EUA for the lucrative vaccine industry. The list of crimes against humanity during Covid is long and atrocious. At the very least, many of us learned about the politics, interconnections, and money trails that intersect at the crossroads of the FDA, the CDC, the judiciary system, the NIH, the WHO, the federal government, and Big Pharma
 Our world is increasingly full of deceit, mostly by corporations and federal-level institutions. The mRNA gene therapy vaccines, GMO agriculture, and artificial food companies go hand in hand with fake news, fact-checkers (who FB admitted in court were just opinions), corporatocracy governments, smart cities, smart cities, smart cars, smartphones, and the onslaught of everything AI. All of this is leading us into a world becoming further and further removed from the organic life wave.
Most people still have no clue what the World Economic Forum is, its role in the Covid narrative, or how their ideas and agendas are shaping the world and have been shaping the world for half a century. The challenges humanity, Earth, and all of her inhabitants face today can seem insurmountable. Many feel helpless and do not know where to begin. Others bury their heads in the sand. Some escape into New Age fantasies of beings on spaceships that are coming to save them, and they believe if they just stay positive, all will be well with the world.
Around every corner, our fears are being preyed upon. We are fed a steady diet of lack mentality, supply chain concerns, and new diseases like monkeypox. We are so hypnotized and traumatized collectively that many of us are more vulnerable than ever. Millions have lost their jobs, homes, loved ones, and hope. The few topics covered here do not begin to scratch the surface of the realities we face collectively.Â
I have barely grazed the surface of each topic I addressed.
The picture I have painted is rather bleak. I remember watching an episode of Black Mirror one evening years ago. It was horrific, but I watched it all the way to the end. You may have seen it too. It was basically spelling out the social credit score system implemented in current-day China, though the episode took place in the U.S. . I was mortified. "Is this what's coming? ", I thought to myself. Little did I know, it already existed in China, and much of it already exists here today to lesser degrees.Â
Spirit Beings Having a Human Experience
The number of movies and books once thought to be fiction that eventually came to play themselves out on the world stage is mindblowing. Some people call it predictive programming, meaning that sometimes books and especially movies are used to prime the collective to accept or get used to what is coming. It is hard to fathom how it works exactly. In the world of metaphysics and quantum physics, there is a belief that the past, present, and future all happen simultaneously.
If this is true, then the changes that we make can affect both past and future outcomes.Â
 I have a history of seeing things coming long before their arrival. One example was a recurring dream I had when I was four years old. I think I mentioned it in a previous blog. It was a dream of a self-driving car. I would get in the back seat, and the car would take me wherever I wanted to go - without a driver.
I, like many people, live in two worlds that are becoming less and less separate with the passage of time. They are the physical world and the spirit world. The more and more we awaken, the more we are able to bring the spirit world more into the physical on a consistent basis. What is often called the fall of man is more aptly described as the descent, as we did not fall as much as we descended from the formless realm into the realm of form - the physical world.
Nowadays, the word ascension is a very popular term. We are said to be making the ascent from the physical back to the spirit realm. I feel the real alchemy happens when we live not too far on either end of the spectrum where spirit and matter are merged. Some say we are evolving from homo sapien to homo espiritu. It remains to be seen. If we knew our true history, including our cosmological history, I feel it would be easier to evolve collectively from where we are to the next stage of spiritual evolution.
In smaller sectors of the population, I see strong evidence that spiritual evolution and renaissance are gaining great momentum. On the other end of the spectrum is a narrative being pushed on us to accept the colonization of Mars and welcome AI unabashedly (to include chips like 'neural link' in our brains) because it will somehow make us superhuman.
The fact of the matter is we are already superhuman, but these qualities are latent and take cultivation 8n order to bring them alive. In Hindi, the word for these superhuman powers is siddhis. These siddhis, such as clairvoyance, the ability to bilocate, and the ability to do things that only seem possible in episodes of The Last Air Bender, are all capacities organically existing within us already. Yet, as I mentioned, cultivating these latent capacities takes time and effort. To bring these qualities online, one must have great determination, self-discipline, and dedication.Â
This gets complicated because we no longer live in a time where mystery schools are abundant (though they are making a comeback). We are also living in a time that is rife with false teachers, and gurus have gone bad. One of the gifts and challenges of this Aquarian age is the old adage 'healer heal thyself,' and 'teacher teach thyself.' We face grave tragedy in exiting the organic life wave in search of artificial superhuman powers. We also stand to face grotesquely complex problems by creating human-like robots. It's bad enough that scientists are now playing God by learning how to grow life in exogenous artificial wombs.
Even the idea of colonizing Mars shows how out of touch a part of humanity is. When you understand theosophy, anthroposophy, and cosmology, you begin to learn about the macroscopic life cycles of planets and galaxies and their inter-relationships. Planets have all the cycles of life that a human goes through. Sometimes, a planet appears to have died but is not actually dead. It is in what is called a pralaya period. All planets have times of activity and rest. A planet cannot host life in a rest or 'pralaya 'phase. The fact that people like Elon Musk and anyone considering colonizing Mars do not even understand that Mars is currently in a pralaya phase demonstrates how out of touch they are with the organic life wave.Â
Stay Human!
These topics, as depressing as they are, are of vital importance to humanity. We must, with a depth of heart, sound mind, and a profound reverence for life, contemplate deeply the direction in which we are headed. We monkey around with all sorts of apps because they are fun or cool or funny, but they are a gentle introduction to an artificial world, such as the Metaverse. We eat food laden with petrochemicals that, by design and modification, have already left the organic life wave and are causing species to collapse in their wake.
We spend hours in front of a screen and not enough time in nature. Now we are scared to breathe the same air and to hug and touch one another. We are living in an increasingly sterile and isolated world. If we fail to see that this is all by design, we fall prey to the designers of these nightmarish realities. We must awaken from the nightmare of someone else's imagination and use our own imagination and organic faculties to create the world we want to live in before someone creates a world in which we will become obsolete.
I urge you to return to the 'Organic Lifewave' section of this article and spend a little bit of time familiarizing yourself with some of the terms and concepts. What does it mean to be part of the organic life wave, and how is that different from artificial intelligence? Is an organic life wave even possible in a world of artificial intelligence? Do we end up with two worlds - an organic life wave world and an artificial intelligence world? What are the implications of the technologies being pushed on us today? Do we blindly accept mRNA gene therapy vaccines, GMO food, neural link, Starlink, Space X, and false disclosure around interdimensional beings, or is it time to go deeper into our gnosis and cultivate our latent abilities? Can we awaken our forgotten memories? Can we enliven our imagination to birth something new and different into physical reality? What are we capable of? Where do we begin? When?