I can’t remember exactly when sacred geometry captured my attention, but it is safe to say it will hold my attention for the rest of my life. Sacred geometry is quite literally the fabric of life. It can be found in the spiral of a galaxy, the center of a sunflower (called the ‘anther’), the human body (the double helix in our DNA, for example), the Earth’s magnetic field (known as a torus), and even fish scales and alligator skin.
“Sacred geometry is an ancient science that explains the core principles of how energy naturally organizes itself across any scale - from the microscopic to the cosmic. Ancient cultures across India, China, Greece, and Egypt all considered sacred geometry to be a study of the blueprint of creation and life itself.
Sacred geometric patterns are said to be the fundamental structures upon which all matter is built. Every natural pattern that we see around us - from the light wave, snowflakes, crystals, the human body, the DNA, honeycomb, to the arms of a spiral galaxy - follows certain mathematical codes that naturally organize them into formations with specific ratios and proportions.
But how do all these living and non-living structures “know” how to assemble in this symmetrical manner?
All of these patterns follow the mathematical code that governs the order of all creation. We are all expressions of the same energy. This underlying mathematical code expresses itself visually in the form of geometric patterns. “ - Omni Ardiation Balancer
Numbers and numerology are inseparable from sacred geometry, as they are the code of all sacred geometry. Sacred geometry and mathematics are indivisible languages that can be found in: music, art, astronomy and astrology, physics, philosophy, mysticism, and even biology. Another place you will find sacred geometry is in architecture. Sacred geometry is intentionally utilized in temples, churches, synagogues, mosques, the Taj Mahal, the Great Pyramids of Egypt, and many other sacred sites the world over.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza demonstrates the brilliance of ancient Egyptian culture and their keen ability to utilize mathematics and sacred geometry in conjunction with architecture. While it is awe-inspiring, it is not surprising, as the roots of geometry can be traced back to 2000 BCE - 1001 BCE in Egyptian and Mesopotamian cultures.
The pyramids are a physical representation of a complex combination of mathematic equations. These equations include Pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter) and Phi ( The Golden Ratio), as well as equations related to the sun’s mean radius, the distance to the sun, the mean radius of earth’s orbit around the sun, the mean distance to the moon and the earth’s mass. The curvature in the faces of the pyramid exactly matches the radius of the earth.
You can find a more detailed discussion here.
Though we will not delve deeply into it here, it is worth mentioning that prominent people in history were initiated in the mystery schools of Egypt. The pyramids themselves played an important role in the rites and initiations of the mystery school initiates. Pythagoras, Yeshua’s grandmother Anna, and also Yeshua ben Yosef (a.k.a. Jesus Christ) were all known to have attended Egyptian mystery schools. Yeshua is believed to have been initiated under the Great Pyramid.
“Pythagoras recorded that Thoth took him by the hand, led him under the Great Pyramid, and taught him all the geometries and nature of reality!” - Mary Magdeline Agency
Sacred Geometry and Biology
You may be surprised to learn that sacred geometry is with us from the very beginning. During cell mitosis (cell division), the vesica piscis (called ‘the fish bladder’ - where the two cells overlap) is formed. The fertilized egg remains a single cell for the first 12 hours after conception. After 30 hours or so, it divides from one cell into two. Some 15 hours later, the two cells divide to become four. And at the end of 3 days, the fertilized egg cell has become a berry-like structure made up of 16 cells.
The image above demonstrates the likeness of the embryo and the Flower of Life. The Flower of life is known to be the blueprint of creation and the mother of all forms. Both a symbol and a pattern, it can be found in many cultures worldwide, especially at sacred sites and on the walls of temples and the like. The Flower of Life contains the seed of life, the egg of life, the fruit of life, and also the tree of life. The symbolism is layered in meaning and rich with universal wisdom that follows the eternal laws of nature as it pertains to numbers, patterns, and geometry.
If you google “flower of life,” you will find many articles and books. In reference to the flower of life, the Ancient Code website states…..
“ According to Sacred Geometry, the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred, since contemplating one is contemplating the origin of all things. By studying the nature of these forms and their relationship to each other, one may seek to gain insight into the scientific, philosophical, psychological, aesthetic and mystical laws of the universe. “
One of my favorite sacred geometry websites, complete with videos and blog posts, is jain108academy.com. I am convinced that the man behind the website is a reincarnation of Pythagoras. You can form your own opinion. He has a great five-paragraph article that neatly ties together: cell mitosis and meiosis, numerology, and the Flower of Life. If sacred geometry is your jam, I highly recommend his website. His brief description, which I just mentioned, can be found here.
He also depicts and describes each stage of formation from the circle of life ( or monad) to the seed, the egg, the fruit, the flower, and the tree. He does so very succinctly and with great eloquence here.
The Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci Sequence was discovered by an Italian mathematician by the name of Leonardo Pisano Bonacci. His seminal work, Liber Abaci, was the fountainhead of mathematical advances in Europe in the Middle Ages and influential in replacing Roman numerals with modern Arabic numerals. Leonardo believed that calculation was an art form, a marvelous thing of beauty pervasive in art and sound.
Another famous Leonardo from Italy (Leonardo Da Vinci) had four principles for the development of a complete mind.
Study the science of art
Study the art of science
Develop your senses - especially learn how to see.
Realize that everything connects to everything else.
Indigenous peoples, prominent figures, and thinkers have all had much to say about the fourth principle of interconnection. The Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean are two perfect illustrations of this.
To paraphrase Jain 108, the Fibonacci Sequence is an organic sequence that has a signature for the Natural or Biological world. That sequence is 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34, where the next or final digit is formed by adding the two previous digits, e.g., 3+5=8 and 8+13=21, a veritable trinity in the sense that the Past + the Present = The Future.
It is called a branching algorithm because each part is the sum of its previous two parts. The division of one Fibonacci number by its predecessor is called “the divine proportion,“ and it can be found everywhere in the natural ( biological) and cosmological world.
“Divine” proportion, a relationship of cascades,
because the word “divine” has originated from “de vina”
meaning something “of the vine”
and that something is a sacred proportion or a branching algorithm:
where the trunk is akin to a branch is akin to a twig etc
something that knows how to collect the past, adds it to the present, to create the future:
a holy trinity of sorts based on the living maths of “Natura”. - Jain 108 Academy
The Fibonacci sequence can be found in shells, storm systems, trees, leaves, flowers, the human body, and the venous system. Not surprising then that the Fibonacci sequence is also called Nature’s code. Scientific research finds evidence that the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio are prevalent from the microscopic structure proportions in the bodies of living beings on Earth to the relationships of gravitational forces and distances between bodies in the Universe.
The Golden Mean
Also called the Golden Ratio, the Golden Mean is an equation that describes the makeup of nature and the world around us. The Golden Ratio ( like the Fibonacci sequence ) reveals a set pattern that is embedded both in the cosmos and the natural world. It is also known as Phi or 1.618. It was written in India around 200 to 300 BC and brought to the Western world circa 1200 AD
Some of the greatest mathematical minds of all ages, from Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece, through the medieval Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa and the Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler, to present-day scientific figures such as Oxford physicist Roger Penrose, have spent endless hours over this simple ratio and its properties. ... Biologists, artists, musicians, historians, architects, psychologists, and even mystics have pondered and debated the basis of its ubiquity and appeal. In fact, it is probably fair to say that the Golden Ratio has inspired thinkers of all disciplines like no other number in the history of mathematics.[9]
“While the proportion known as the Golden Mean has always existed in mathematics and in the physical universe, it is unknown exactly when it was first discovered and applied by mankind. It is reasonable to assume that it has perhaps been discovered and rediscovered throughout history, which explains why it goes under several names.” - Golden Number
Plato described it as being the most binding of all mathematical relationships and the key to the physics of the cosmos. It was used to build The Great Pyramids in Egypt and the Parthenon in Greece. It was used extensively by artists during the Renaissance and can be found in Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, The Mona Lisa, and The Last Supper.
“The description of this proportion as Golden and Divine is fitting perhaps because it is seen by many to open the door to a deeper understanding of beauty and spirituality in life. That’s an incredible role for a single number to play, but then again, this one number has played an incredible role in human history and in the universe at large.” - Golden Number
The Five Platonic Solids
The five platonic solids can be found everywhere in geometry, nature, and the cosmos. Each platonic solid has a corresponding element. The cube ( or hexahedron ) represents Earth. Interesting to note that if you view salt crystals under a microscope, you will see they are in the shape of a hexahedron. It makes me wonder when I consider that we call people “The salt of the earth.“ Such a person is considered to be of great worth or reliability.
Back to the solids. The Octahedron corresponds to air. The Tetrahedron corresponds to fire. The icosahedron corresponds to water, and the Dodecahedron corresponds to ether and plasma (another blog).
“Plato hypothesized that these 5 shapes are the "building blocks" of our world. Using Platonic Solids and other methods of Sacred Geometry, we can explore our individual relationship to the entirety of the Universe.” - Crystal Love Collective
If you would like to explore how the platonic solids correspond to the chakras and how you can work with them, you can do so here.
Also of great interest to me is that many people are working with the octahedron (think of an upward-facing pyramid on top of a downward-facing pyramid). I have been working with the octahedron for a while now and have found it to be greatly beneficial. If you would like to try it, a great place to start is a free guided meditation here. Just scroll down about halfway through the page, and you will see it.
The Torus
I will keep this brief, but it is impossible to tackle the subject of sacred geometry and not mention the torus. “Each atom and everything on the planet is surrounded by its own energy field known as The Torus. This self-sustaining balanced dynamic energy flow process is the basis of everything on the planet, consisting of a single axis and two vortices. The energy passes through one vortex, along the center of the axis, out the other vortex, wraps back around the circumference, and renews by passing through the original vortex. This shape can be clearly seen in some of nature’s most powerful creations: the tornado, the whirlpool, the black hole, magnetic fields, energy fields around planets and the sun, etc. It is also found around each living organism, such as people and plants. The Earth’s Torus is run through the center of our planet and creates our atmosphere. “ - Monotomatic-Orme
Said another way, “The image of the Torus explains how something starts as a descent from spirit, or an ascent from matter, through a central channel or tube of light/energy/consciousness. The energy of the object can only go so far in one direction before it doubles back on itself, returning to its source, gaining energy, going forward again, achieving a certain height or depth, before needing to return again to gather more from the source.
This is a process that occurs in all objects in existence, eventually. An object can go only so far in its ascent/descent before the opposite polarity pulls it back to itself. “ - (author unknown)
Taking Sacred Geometry to Heart
When you stop to contemplate sacred geometry, you see the beauty, connection, and interrelationships of all things, including yourself. It is also not surprising then that spiritual adepts and ascended masters learned about such things in Mystery Schools, where they were initiated into practices of transcendence, mind over matter, innate technologies of the body, and even immortality.
Sacred geometry is a profound study and practice that puts you deeper in touch with the infinite Universe, your world, nature, and your body. Yet, it is not like a body of knowledge that we want to merely memorize facts about or study for intellectual pursuit alone. That would defeat the purpose altogether.
“Ultimately, the goal of Sacred Gaiaometry is to embed or Incode these Codes and Geometries into our Heart,
not for it to be a mere cerebral process, but rather to internalize it;
to imbue its ancient threads of cellular memories and timeless patterns
as a constant reminder that there is indeed, Order amidst the apparent Chaos.”
The Heart is More Powerful that the Human Brain.
Ultimately, our goal is not to have more intellectual knowledge,
not to build up our libraries and computer files,
but rather it is to knit the very fabric of Sacred Gaiometry,
into our Field, our Auric Domain,
to embed it literally into our very own Heart. “ ( Jain 108 )
If you really want to take a deep dive into sacred geometry and the five platonic solids, here are some links that offer free information and videos. These links alone will keep you busy for a long time. Whether you prefer a spiritual pursuit, an intellectual one or an artistic flavor, it’s all there. I truly believe, as did the ancients, that sacred geometry is, in and of itself, a path that can lead us deeper into the exploration of our spirit and its connection to all life.
Jain108academy.com If this man doesn’t steal your sacred geometry heart, I will be very surprised. He also has lots of resources for sparking the interest and imagination of children. This is, hands down, my favorite sacred geometry website.
This website is like the Library of Alexandria for sacred geometry. On this website, you can view sacred geometry through every lens imaginable. If reading is your thing - this is for you! Absolutely fascinating.
How the World is Made: The Story of Creation According to Sacred Geometry and The Dimensions of Paradise: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth are two books you may be interested in for a deeper dive into the magical world of sacred geometry.
Last but not least, do not forget the links included in the post, as they, too, offer some great insight.
Thank you, dear reader, for taking interest in this post. May you take what you have learned here and use it to inspire your life. Have a great week, and I’ll see you back here next Wednesday.
Thank you,thank you,thank you. Just what I needed to read this morning. Glad I found your site. I am homeschooling my youngest, and was pondering where we should go with math when I saw this in my email. Funny how life works. Wishing you much love. If I had more money I would donate. Perhaps in the future. Just found your site the other day and you have provided much food for thought. Deeply appreciate it.