Re - envisioning the Queen Archetype
Welcome, dear reader. If you read last week's article, the truth has been revealed. I am far from what society considers "normal." Now that the secret is out, I feel more free to speak my mind with full transparency - something the world could use a lot more of today.
Today I would like to discuss a variety of topics, starting with queen Elizabeth. Traditionally, queen is capitalized, and I chose not to capitalize it for several reasons. As a human with a heart, I can understand that queen Elizabeth had family and friends who loved her, and I can only imagine that they are mourning her loss and missing her presence in the family. My compassion has not flown out the window, yet my reasoning is an uncaged bird.
Many idolized her, many loved her, and many hated her. She was not only an icon, but she was a living archetype. I remove the capital Q for a moment to bring her and all of us to a level playing field. Like everything else in flux, I believe the collective human psyche is also reworking archetypes at this time. I believe her passing is a chance for us to discard the beliefs and ideas (around the queen and the Queen archetype) that no longer serve. In her absence and in the times we find ourselves in, we have the opportunity to harness the true essence of what it means to be noble, sovereign, and a Queen (or King).
The first thing I think we should scrap as we rework the Queen archetype is the belief that one bloodline is of more importance than another. No person or family should ever have control over other humans for obvious reasons. No matter what last name a person has or how much money and power their family has, it makes them of no more importance than any other human being.
It is time for the collective to erase the brainwashing and discard old notions, false beliefs, and superficial sentiments regarding Queens, Kings, royalty, nobility, and bloodlines. It would be greatly beneficial to rework this archetype individually and collectively. I would like to see us rework it in a nurturing and nourishing way for the individual and collective psyche and soul. For this reason, in this article, I refer to her as queen Elizabeth without a capital Q.
The British monarchy has wreaked havoc and committed genocide the world over. While many are poised to hold tight to a fairy tale view of queen Elizabeth, the populations directly affected by the British monarchy under her reign and long before it never had a fairy tale view to hold onto. When people relinquish the whitewashing of the queen, they may begin to fathom the importance of compassion and empathy for all that suffered under her reign, as well as the effects which will not die in her absence. The world has become too small, and too much history has been uncovered to turn a blind eye to such heavy matters as these. We can not begin to practice compassion for people until we first acknowledge the suffering they have experienced.
I do not wish to turn this post into a political soapbox, nor do I wish to create further division in humanity through duality and polarization. It was queen Elizabeth's fate to play the role she did, and the effects of her choices will be weighed not only by humanity but, more importantly, in a larger conversation between the universe, Source, God (whatever you like to call it) and her soul. All of our choices in this life will affect the path our soul traverses, just as our choices in previous lives have affected our circumstances in this one. It is said that upon meeting our truest self, our fully awakened consciousness, we become free from the bondage of karma.
Beyond beliefs and karma, we can say for certain; queen Elizabeth played a large role on the world stage and in the collective psyche. There are many Queens in the world; yet when people say "The Queen," most people's minds instantly think of queen Elizabeth. Now, in her absence and free from her reign, we can take the awesome opportunity to reclaim and re-envision the Queen Archetype.
So many things in this world are in flux right now. At this moment in time, humanity is questioning centuries and millennia of ideologies and belief systems. We have known for a long time now that textbook history is full of holes and lies. We are uncovering our true history in many circles worldwide, from galactic to earthly. Every month, archeologists make discoveries that obsolete what was previously agreed upon as truth. The arrival of the James Webb Telescope quickly dismantles facts we believed concrete. It would seem the more we learn, the less we know. Yet, in freeing our minds from boxes, our psyche is also free to stretch itself on the mat of gnosis and imagination.
When we obtain new information, we grow, and when we grow beyond the truth, we grow yet again. What we believe collectively is a product of all we have learned and embraced. We grow as much or more from discarding outdated systems, beliefs, and ideologies as we do from working with the knowledge that is pertinent to the current time in which we live. Evolution seems to be a continual release of things we know to be true as we explore the territory of the unknown and the new. It is an infinite cosmic dance in which consciousness tries on many costumes.
Archetypes themselves can be likened to a costume. When an actor plays the role of a Queen, they dress the part, but the clothing alone does not bring the character alive. The actor must learn the mindset of a Queen, her body language, her gait, her speech, the makeup of her psyche, the dynamics of her world, and all the things and people she must answer to. An actor must embody the Queen to play her role. Therefore, I posit that costumes in this context are all of the ingredients that make up a character (of which external decoration is merely one facet).
So, how might we re-envision and reclaim the Queen archetype? Carl Jung gave the world twelve main archetypes, and he believed these archetypes were not static and sometimes overlapped. One must also take into consideration that archetypes vary from culture to culture and can lend themselves to pitfalls of reductionism.
Nevertheless, they are an excellent tool for exploring the collective and individual psyche. Carl Jung's Ruler archetype is the one most closely representing the Queen. If you look closer, however, you will see that the Queen is a conglomeration of various archetypes.
For those interested in a brief summation of archetypes, you may find this article to be of interest. I recommend this article for the well-versed and beginner alike. It is a straightforward, easy-to-understand article for the beginner and a great refresher for those already familiar with Jung's work. In another article on archetypes (which I found to be of equal value as the one mentioned earlier), Isaac Cotec states,
"Archetypes are primal patterns of behavior that we all share. They are universal, meaning they appear in cultures across the world. Archetypes arise from our collective unconscious and shared human experiences."
The term Archetypes was first coined by psychologist Carl Jung. The word comes from the Greek word "arche," which means "original or primitive pattern."
Jung believed that Archetypes are the building blocks of our personality. They shape the way we think, feel and behave. Archetypes also play a role in our spiritual lives, representing the different aspects of the divine." The article can be found here.
I will offer some of my personal ideas about a new way of reframing the Queen archetype. I am not suggesting that my ideas should take hold on the world stage as the end all new reframe of the Queen archetype. I wish to encourage everyone to explore their own envisioning of this archetype in new and fresh ways that apply to them personally and as it pertains to the collective. I believe it is important to consider the timeless aspects of the archetype as well.
Let's dive in. If you look at the etymology of the word Queen or all things associated, you will see the word has far more associations than the immediate image that often comes to mind. Queen can refer to cats, insects, gay men, girlfriends, the Virgin Mary, and deities as well.
While the dictionary definitions of royalty pertain solely to bloodlines, the word nobility also includes a definition that can pertain to anyone. That definition is 'to be noble of character.'
It is interesting to contemplate that for all the words defined in a dictionary; people develop their meanings for words that have nothing to do with a dictionary definition. What does noble mean to you? Many associate the following qualities with someone of noble character: integrity, wisdom, courage, confidence, and so forth. What does it mean to you to be noble? What qualities do you possess that would you attribute to your nobility? For myself, I would include:
self-referencing (meaning that my inner knowing is the final say, no matter what information is presented to me)
my capacity for trust and faith
my ability to strive for unconditional love for self and others
my dedication to move tirelessly in the direction of my awakening (not as a destination, but as an ever-unfolding process)
As I contemplated what qualities I possess that I attribute to the nobility of character, I chose things that I believe will stand the test of time no matter what paths my soul may traverse. There are many ways to describe ourselves. More than a string of adjectives, what are the qualities we possess that make us truly noble? Which attributes might we have that are more superficial and won't pertain once we discard this body? What are the immutable and timeless qualities we possess that are things we now embody that will follow us long after our personality and flesh are no longer?
I believe beyond bloodlines and lifetimes; the nobility is the crown of the soul. In my reenvisioning of the Queen archetype, I reclaim my throne by liberating the Queen from traits that have sullied her reputation. Queens have misused their power, fallen prey to their own untamed ego, taken what was not theirs to take, and taken life that never belonged to them. My human soul and spirit make vows not to do these things in this or any future incarnation in any realm of existence. I will create for myself a ceremony to seal this agreement.
At the coronation ceremony, Queen Elizabeth was asked by the Archbishop if she would uphold the following oath. "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and the other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?". I solemnly promise to do so" was her response. It seems she broke her oath by ignoring the "according to their respective laws and customs" part.
I am not here to judge, condemn or prove anything. History has written itself, and anyone wishing to explore atrocities under her reign is free to do so. My question is if she did not uphold the oath she took, was she really still a Queen? In owning my own Queen archetype, I must uphold any vows I take during my ceremony and throughout my life. As previously mentioned, being noble means having integrity (as I see it). What do you think?
In the dictionary, as a noun, the word sovereign is defined two ways. The first definition is a supreme ruler, especially a monarch. The second definition pertains to a British gold coin, now only made as a commemorative symbol. Sovereign as an adjective has the following definitions:
Possessing supreme or ultimate power
(of a nation or its affairs) acting or done independently and without outside interference.
Possessing royal power and status. archaic literary
Very good or effective (dated).
In spiritual circles, you hear a lot of talks these days about what it means to be a sovereign being. This is another one of those words that register differently in the human imagination than how it is defined in the dictionary. For some, to be sovereign means that I am my own self-governing ruler; that no governing body, entity, or institution, nor any person owns you, has power over me, or is in control of my body, life, or destiny. Millions worldwide are utterly disillusioned by the money, power, and resource grabbing happening at this time. We are incensed by: the imprisonment of children, the prisons for profit, the higher taxes for fewer services, the unlawful use of power to control people during the pandemic, the campaign of disinformation, and the pollution of our water, air, and food, the infringement of our inalienable human rights, the meddling with our bodily autonomy and the general abuse of humans, animals and the planet as a whole.
Back to the subject at hand. What does sovereignty mean to you personally, and how do you exercise it in your life? Can you see how sovereignty (in the pure, not traditional sense) might be an important piece of the Queen archetype? What are you doing or how do you live that contributes to your sovereignty and autonomy (freedom from external control or influence)? The Queen archetype I am fashioning for myself adheres more to spiritual principles than it does to societal norms and social mores. If you are reading this, you will likely already have some of these traits.
I have been so deeply contemplative about the theme of this article that it has worked its way into my subconscious and into my dream time. When I woke, I had immediate thoughts that followed me from my lucid state right into my waking state, and I quickly jotted down some notes. One thing a Queen is known for is her jewels and her riches. Reflecting upon the association of the word Queen with Mary ( Mother of Yeshua Ben Yusef) as well as female Goddesses and deities, it caught my attention to remember the jewels and riches we have within that allow us to develop spiritually. Every female (in this case) spiritual master, no matter her title, culture, time period, or any other factor, could have attained her spiritual status without her precious and inherent spiritual jewels and riches.
The female spiritual adepts we revere did not reach a state of awakening by attending church on Sundays, reciting pre-scripted prayers, or following an ideology. They attained their awakened state by living through the trials and tribulations of being a human repeatedly. While human, they attended Mystery Schools and sought yogic practices from adepts with abilities beyond their own. Some of these women followed each other through many lifetimes switching roles of Mother and daughter in alternating life cycles. They learned about genetics, cellular regeneration, and how to master their DNA. Many of them lived for extremely long periods. Jesus' (Yeshua) Grandmother (Anna Ben Yusef - or Saint Anne to the Catholics) lived to be 800 years old, though Google will never tell you about it, and neither will the Bible.
Mystery schools taught mathematics, astronomy, astrology, mind-body practices, alchemy, cosmology, numerology, and sacred geometry. They taught the spiritual adept all they needed to know to become what we call Ascended Masters today. It was a soul dedication that would be sought out over many incarnations. Even upon awakening, the work was never finished. Ascended Masters would return and continue their work. You see this a lot in more than one culture. In Tibetan culture, for example, the current incarnation of The Dalai Lama is known as Tenzin Gyatso, The Fourteenth Dalai Lama. His teachers in this lifetime were his students in past lifetimes, and the cycle will continue. It was the same with Anna and Mary's Grandmother and Mother of Jesus) as previously mentioned. It is well known that Anna, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Jesus all spent time in Mystery Schools and even had their own. It is also well known that Jesus spent time in the Himalayas learning yogic practices and also spent time in Egypt, as did his Grandmother. Jesus is in the same lineage as Babaji and Paramahansa Yogananda.
Back to these inner riches and jewels - which and every person has within them. By working with the architecture and inherent technology of our body, we can awaken our dormant and inherent superpowers (the Hindi word for these superpowers is "siddhis" - pronounced, see - dees). A Queen is the ruler of her own Queendom. How many times have we heard "The Kingdom of heaven is within"? Nirvana is attained when our consciousness is fully ripened and awake. In order to accomplish this state, we must be prepared for the long game and know that its attainment comes from mastering our journey and not striving for a destination. The journey IS mastery, after all.
There are two places in our bodies where crystals can be found. One is the pineal gland, and the other is the inner ear. The pineal gland is literally the third eye. The word crystal comes from the Greek word 'krystallos', which means frozen light. The pineal gland has a lens, a cornea, and a retina that reacts to the presence of light. Here is a great article on the pineal gland. The reason so many people avoid fluoride is because, besides being a carcinogen, it is known to calcify the pineal gland. Your third eye is literally a jewel in your crown, and it is part of your sixth energy center (known as chakra in Hindi). Your Crown chakra is also a jewel in your crown; it is located and the top of your head.
Also located at the top of your head is something called the thousand petaled lotus. This refers to the thousands of dormant neurons that become activated when your pituitary gland (female) and your pineal gland (male) connect chemically and electrically. For a more lengthy explanation, go to and click on the wisdom tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the pdf next to "Enlightenment Happens Inside Your Body.
In summation, I would like to suggest that as a result of Queen Elizabeth's passing, there is a lot of room for change, for fresh air, fresh energy, new ideas and reimaginings of archetypes, and a chance to break free from identification with notions of royalty, bloodlines and monarchy. I believe humanity has arrived at a place of realization that a few people at the helm of most of the world's power, money, and resources have come at a great price, one we have paid for collectively. It has begun to occur to us ,that it is urgent to reclaim our individual power and sovereignty, and regroup collectively in new and different ways. I believe we are amid the deconstruction of many outdated power structures, old and broken systems and institutions, ideologies, and belief systems. While it may not yet be visible in the mainstream milieu, it is bubbling up within individuals and smaller communities on a global scale.
I never explicitly defined what the re - envisioned archetype of Queen is exactly because I am still envisioning it myself. My vision will not be the same as yours, and my intention was to spark your imagination and set your wheels turning. I encourage you to give some time to reclaim your own inner Queen (or King - or both) and to contemplate and re - envision her. What does she feel like, and what does she embrace and embody? What does she not tolerate? What are her qualities? How is she received by you - by the world? Does it matter? Why?
What do you imagine a Queen to be and why? Do you think Queens and Kings in modern-day society are necessary and serve a purpose, and if so, what is that purpose? If you truly feel inspired, you can envision your inner Queen (or King) using all the information and questions I have posed throughout this article, along with anything else pertinent you wish to add. Once you have imagined her - begin to embody her, starting off with a ceremony in which she is honored and celebrated. Incorporate some vows in your ceremony and if desired, make an oath of your choosing that honors all of humanity.
In the arch of our lifetime, may we claim and embody our inherent royalty. The true nature of our royalty is divinity - the bloodline of our oversoul and connection to Source. May our nobility be the crown of our soul's expression. May our unconditional self-love and commitment to awakening be the crown jewel of our hearts. May we stand at the altar of our own true magnificence and fully embrace our Queen and her majestic nature. And so it is!