I really enjoyed the summary of water and our relationship with it. I speak to my water all the time so I can relate to the importance of it. I also appreciate you letting us know what is to coming up next, gives us something to look forward too. I shared this on GAB. May you continue to hydrate you and ourselves with your incite and knowledge. Many blessings my dear friend!

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Thank you Nathan. I found a few things that needed editing after I had already pressed send. That always makes me cringe. I was able to edit it , but unfortunately, everyone who received the email version will not see the edits. I appreciate you sharing this on GAB. Much gratitude. I am so grateful that you are part of my human family.

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I know the feeling dear friend, myself and my beloved have had the same thing happen plenty of times in the world of content creating. Recently, I have learned that I have been very critical of myself when things like this happens, as I love to have things be perfect. I believe it was conditioned from history but much like what you pointed out in your article about water, our thoughts and how we talk to it.. I am undergoing a forgiveness of my imperfections as that is what makes me human. It is becoming a daily focus or practice and your article was one of those reminders. You are doing a great job, keep on shining dear one, keep on shining, we love what you are doing over here!

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