Greetings and welcome to the first-ever blog post on this platform. Creators of New Earth is dedicated to assisting people in feeling more deeply connected to their lives, their bodies, and to Earth. It explores the interconnections of creativity, co-creation, spirituality, body/mind sovereignty, evolution, and human connection Its mission is to breathe inspiration into the reader and lead them to a deeper connection with Earth, the body, heart, spirit, and life itself. A primary focus is the merging of the physical and spiritual, the seen and the unseen, the mundane and the esoteric.
Polarity vs Duality
We currently live in a world that places a heavy emphasis on polarity and duality. The former can cause us to become uncentered while the latter keeps us engaged in illusion.
In order to transform ourselves and create a new Earth, it is important to become aware of the polarity not only in the world but in ourselves. In this awareness, we can harness our capacity to acknowledge that while polarity exists, we have the power to live from the center. From a centered place, we can see that we are in fact capable of much more than reactivity to charges of positive and negative stimulus, experiences, and events. No matter what is going on, we find that we can move from a stable place of neutrality. This does not mean we are flat and devoid of emotion. It means that we recognize our capacity to find our center and balance no matter what life presents.
We can create from a space of calm presence, inner reference, moved by the heart and creativity, rather than from a space of imbalance, emotion, and reaction. It is to move through life as a dance of call and response as opposed to a clunky dance based on contrived dance steps memorized to avoid fear or pain. From this place, our joy and pleasure are internally sourced and we cease to depend on an external source for our happiness.
If centeredness is the remedy for polarity, what might be the remedy for duality? This question is nearly as old as humanity. Duality has been the cause of much confusion and the fuel from which much wisdom was born. While dualistic perception is definitely at the root of much suffering, it is in fact ignorance that is at the root of all illusion. If we were truly free from ignorance, we would have no perception of duality. So, while it may not be the root of all illusion, it is an illusion which has created an overwhelming amount of suffering in the world.
It is because of our dualistic perception that humanity and Earth find ourselves in the overwhelming conundrum of the modern age. It is the perception that Earth and humans are two separate entities that lead us to our current state. The truth is, no matter who you are, whatever your origin, as long as you are in a body and living on Earth, you and Earth are not separate. You drink her water, breathe her air, and eat her food. Everything you have came from her body - the body of Earth. Artist and naturalist Andy Goldsworth said,
“We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves.”
Back to the question, “ What is the remedy for duality ?” The remedy for duality is to see that the entirety of the complex web of life is interconnected and interdependent. It is not enough to hold this as a thought or a fact, we must live from that place and embody that knowing if we are to remove ourselves from the confines of dualistic perception.
The Human Renaissance
At this time many people all over the world are coming out of the woodwork to share their gifts, skills, knowledge, wisdom, vision, and experience in an effort to create a new path for humanity. We are living in a time of a great human renaissance directly connected to the evolution of the planet and her own consciousness as well. In our gnosis ( innate inner knowing) we understand this is a symbiotic awakening that is at once multifaceted and deeply intertwined ( Human with Earth, Earth with Human, Human as Earth, Earth as a sentient being). I honestly feel that unless we truly and deeply recognize and value just how sacred and precious our life is, our body is, our Earth is, then we really miss the whole reason for being in this body on this Earth.
Do you feel you truly, deeply fathom what a sacred and precious gift it is to look through the eyes of a human body and have this experience called life on one of the most beautiful planets in the infinite Universe?
Do you feel you embody that knowing?
Of course, there is no right or wrong answer. Your answer is a great place to start because it allows you to see yourself in relation to the life you are living and the experience you are having. As a matter of fact, if your answer was no to either question, there may be even more room for exploration than someone who immediately answered yes.
Isn’t it possible to continually expand our capacity for reverence and gratitude and if so, how might this affect our lives in tangible and recognizable ways?
This is a great example of uniting the seen and the unseen. We take what is inside and look at it against the backdrop of our life.
To be thriving and in love with life is your birthright. It’s certainly not unicorns and rainbows all the time. Earth school has its fair share of challenges and tension to be sure. But it is vitally important to live a life that has your soul-inspired and your human fully engaged.
Are you living where you want to be, in the relationship you want to be?
Do you enjoy your vocation?
Do you take care of your body?
Are you pursuing your creativity?
Simply put, if you died right now and your whole life flashed in front of your eyes, would you like what you saw?
Would you have regrets?
Would you see something you wish you would have pursued but didn’t?
Is there an experience you had that you never made peace with?
I never met a human who has not had trials and tribulations. I do know that the people I know who are thriving, have spun their hardships into gold and they are on a path that is intentionally of their making. They are not in relationships of convenience working at jobs they don’t like. They are guided neither by fear or lack nor by victim mentality. Does this mean that they all have millions of dollars and no worries under the sun? No, of course not. So what do they have that maybe some don’t? Well, first they have gratitude for the gift of life. Second, they have self - responsibility and accountability. You know what else they have? They have an ability to face their shadow ( their fears, their demons, their traumas). This doesn't mean digging up all the skeletons in your closet and letting them run wild. It doesn’t mean years and years of therapy. It means that you understand that it is a very real and attainable goal to make peace with your wounds. It means that the whole purpose of being in a body on planet Earth is to live a life that has your soul inspired and your heart engaged - a life that you can be at peace with when you review it.
Does that sound like a tall order for a blog to fill? How can a blog grapple with all of these complexities and deep questions? It will do so in several ways. Firstly by stripping these complexities of their complex nature, by bringing it back to the basics. Next, by offering the reader tools, ideas, information, and opportunities for creative exploration. Finally ( and in my mind, the most fun and important way) by engaging the reader to participate. At the end of each blog there will be something called “creative activations “. They are essentially questions for you to explore either by writing or contemplation. If you like you can keep a journal solely for the creative activations offered at the end of each blog. By the end of the year, you will have a journal to read that will enlighten you to all that reading this blog and exploring the questions has done to open your mind, ignite your curiosity and engage you more fully with life.
What is Creators of New Earth?
On this website, you will soon notice a link to my podcast by the same name. There is a Facebook page and an upcoming TikTok account. All of these together are meant to create a community of people who can connect to one another in our endeavors to create a New Earth. What is meant by that? You get to decide. To be alive right now is to witness that we are graced with the opportunity to use our gifts to create a new world different from the one we have known. The world as we knew it began to crumble in 2020 and appears to be crumbling still. It’s o.k., really it is. Everything is right on time and we are here to create new ways of living, thinking, feeling, and being with ourselves, each other, and our Earth. So now you know what Creators of New Earth means.
The acronym for Creators of New Earth is CONE. The pine cone is recognized by cultures from all over the world as a symbol for the pineal gland ( a.k.a our third eye ) and our inner vision. It is with this inner vision that we bring our gifts and sights from inside ourselves into the outside world to create something new. This is yet another example of how we bridge the inner and the outer which in truth are not separate. Everything you see in the physical world came from imagination; bikes, cars, airplanes, buildings - everything! It seems our imagination has created lots of wonderful things and some real conundrums too. It is by using our creativity and imagination that we collectively create the world anew. We can take many cues and clues from Mother Nature who has a mind-blowing and vast imagination. From her flowers to her trees, from her rivers to her seas, from her mountains to her caverns deep within, Mother Nature never ceases to amaze us with her awe-inspiring beauty and her complex and intricate ecosystems.
There are endless possibilities within everyone’s reach. I look forward to seeing if I have piqued your curiosity in such a fashion that you will be contemplating your life, exploring your capacity for gratitude, and eager to come back and find out exactly how a blog called Creators of New Earth can enrich, add value to and even transform your life. There is a renaissance happening and we need all hands and hearts on deck. Stay tuned and come join your human family as we transform the world together. Thank you for being here and I hope you will come back next week. For further engagement, you can explore the creative activations below.
Creative Activations
Notes: If you are using a computer to do your journaling, you can simply copy and paste these questions onto whatever document you will be using. Some may prefer a physical journal.
This exercise is meant to be a creative exploration - not homework! Do not add it to your list of things to do and then feel guilty when you put it off or never do it at all. You can save the questions and explore them when you feel inspired, or you can always return to this post.
There will be “ creative activations “ with every new blog post, some you may wish to explore and others not. Whatever you choose is perfect. You will note that there will be questions for different levels of engagement - they are as follows:
Initial Inquiry
Deeper Inquiry
Full Engagement
Deep Dive
You may engage at any level you like. You may notice that if you answer on all levels you will be able to witness the unfolding depth of your responses from soft inquiry to Deep Dive. Last but not least, have fun!
Tips: These questions are profound. The more honest you are with yourself, the more your answers will reveal. There are no right or wrong answers. These questions are meant to offer you a space of looking inward to reflect and contemplate, to witness your internal workings. Try your best to answer from your heart and not your intellect. We are too much in our heads already. Part of creating a New Earth ( a large part ) is to move out of our heads and into our hearts. If you find yourself judging yourself, or if you start to feel shame or guilt, just gently notice it, without taking the bait. These questions are meant to create revelations, they are not an excuse to beat yourself up. In fact, they are meant to bring you closer to yourself and your heart. So if you catch your inner dialogue starting to get judgemental, stop, relax, breathe and hold yourself gently in your own heart. Relax your abdomen, relax your face muscles, take a deep breath and then continue. Be soft and gentle while being vigilant of the mind.
Initial Inquiry: Do you feel you truly, deeply fathom what a sacred and precious gift it is to look through the eyes of a human body and have this experience called life on one of the most beautiful planets in the infinite Universe? In what ways do you embody your answer?
Deeper Inquiry: What are you most grateful for in relation to having a human body and life? Do you have gratitude for the Earth and all that she provides you, including a place to have a human experience ( please elaborate )? If you do not feel grateful, what is it that may be impeding your gratitude?
Full engagement: Do you feel you are separate from Earth or a part of Earth and why? Does your lifestyle reflect your answer and if so, how?
Deep Dive: Where do you see polarity in the world? Do you see polarization in your family or relatives? Do you see polarization in yourself ( in relation to what)? Do you see any correlation amongst polarity in the world, in your family, and in yourself? When you get spun out, what do you do to come back to center? Do you feel centered: in general, in your body, your mental activity, and in your life? Which issues or events are the most likely to pull you out of your center? Are you making a conscious and concerted effort to transform this?
It's so amazing, keep it up
Thank you I need to keep working on my life