Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash


My name is Julie Pershin. Like many, I am a perpetual student of life. I am also a writer, a social media influencer and an intuitive guide. I have lived a very unconventional life which has led me all over the world, as well as deeply inward. I perceive Earth as a school for the evolution of souls. My interests are vast and I have learned a lot in my 55 years. My desire is to share what I have learned (and what I continue to discover) with those who show an interest. This platform aspires to introduce you to new ideas, ways of thinking, and ways of being. It also offers a mix of ancient wisdom and new vision. If esoterica and heart and mind expansion rouse your curiosity, if nature turns you on, if creativity is part of who you are, if grounding spiritual experiences into your body and everyday life is of interest to you - then you will be glad you found CREATORS OF NEW EARTH ( CONE). I am also the owner of DIVINE GUIDANCE, an intuitive guidance and mentorship service. To schedule a session with me please reach out to divineguidancesessions@gmail.com. Be sure to include Divine Guidance in the subject heading.

With Gratitude,

Julie Pershin

Julie Pershin - Creators of New Earth

What is Creators of New Earth?

Creators of New Earth is a platform for people who are either curious about or already aware of the global awakening currently in process. It explores the interconnections between spirituality, creativity, and the deep connection to Earth, Self and one another. We discuss how all of these things can be consciously interwoven in a way that is symbiotic and mutually beneficial for the planet and humanity. Creators of New Earth’s mission is to breathe inspiration into the reader and lead them to a deeper connection with humanity, Earth, their body, and life itself.

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Welcome! CONE is a place to explore consciousness, the spiritual path and deeper engagement with yourself, with life and the world around you. I also offer intuitive guidance . You can schedule a session at redlotusbluebuddha@yahoo.com.


A place to explore life as a spiritual path. This page is here to serve humanity and the Earth that is our home.. Welcome!